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Dennis Hettema
Thoroughly enjoying your outbound masterclass! My mission: to be the best student you’ve ever had. Stay awesome!
Nick Abraham
lemwarm has been a game changer for email deliverability for us.
Rodrigo Perez Garofalo
I’ve been using lemlist since 2020 on and off, and since then I have been consuming your content. That led me to found my own company completely bootstrapped.
James Hanzimanolis
lemcal helped me land a job after I was abruptly laid off. More people need to know about the work you guys are putting out.
Kairan Howard-Shawbell
William Ogou
Just wanted to share some quick appreciation- your Notion page Million-Dollar Business Workspace is an abolute gold!
John Montgomery
I can’t tell you how much I’m loving lemlist. I’ve never thought that about any other sales engagement platform...
Tuhin Parvez
You’re an inspiration! I’ve been following you since the very beginning of lemlist 1.0 - and lemlist has been my top choice as a product, and you’ve never failed to deliver.
Lais Karvelis
Tracking your journey building lemlist is impressive! Appreciate your time creating all the content online. It really hellps and gives so much thoughts!
Cedric Charpenet
Tadhg O'Leary
Hey, just wanted to reach out and say I’ve been following your course on starting a B2B business and loving it. Thanks for putting it together.
Sebastian Obadia
I’ve been using lemlist for the past few months and I LOVE IT! I’ve used every single SEP on the market, and you guys have definitely made it simple and utilitarian.
Harris Kenny
lemwarm is good, we use it for my agency and have a bunch of clients on it. Happy with the results for sure.
Shaheer Niazi
I love lemlist, I love the interface, the features, the color scheme, and everything that lemlist allows me to do.
Darren Lee
I absolutely love your content and lemlist! The platform grew my media company from $0 to $500,000/year with cold outreach at scale. Such an amazing platform and I appreciate your work.
Jake Verry
Wow... just wow 🔥 That course was super informative and jammed pack with actionable tips and extremely useful best practices. 12/10
Jordana Matsos
Brad Parker
Started using taplio, and it’s fantastic. I appreciate all of the content on setting up your LinkedIn profile as well. Great content, great product!

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Who am I?

My name is Guillaume Moubeche, but everyone calls me G.

After a failed t-shirt business with my father, I invested my last $1,000 to build the all-in-one outreach tool.

In 6 years, I turned lemlist into a multi-product company with 10s of thousands of customers in 100+ countries. We're fully bootstrapped, and in 2024 hit $26M in ARR

I've also invested millions of dollars in numerous companies, written the bestseller "The $150M Secret," and spoken at international conferences.

My mission is to help as many entrepreneurs as possible to live from their passion and launch profitable businesses.

Your free guide to building a profitable business

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The greatest B2B business course of all time

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5 rules of every VC game

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3 steps to reduce churn and maximise profit

I’ve seen many companies broadening their target personas at the scaling stage. This can put your profitability at risk. I’ll explain why and what you should do instead.
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4 things we tried but didn’t work

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How to hire your first employees?

Hire slow and fire fast is the best approach. This doesn’t mean that your recruitment process should take weeks (nobody has time to go through numerous rounds). But you need to be selective and have an efficient process in place that will help you identify the best of the best candidates.
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How to find the best talent for your team?

In this article, I share my best strategy on hiring the A-players for my team with the help of ChatGPT.
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9 advice you should read when starting a business

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How to write content that brings customers

But as a business owner, you’re in an attention war. And between your business and super cute puppies - what’s gonna win? That’s why if you’re growing a B2B business, LinkedIn is still the best place to focus on. Here's my best strategy to find more customers with your LinkedIn content.
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5 reasons bootstrapping is hard (but worth it)

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Create powerful testimonials to close more deals

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Do things that don't scale

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Special edition: Dear entrepreneurship.

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Why you don't need a website to get started

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How to build a kickass LinkedIn profile

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Goodbye Sales Funnel - Hello Hybrid Funnel

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How to create an irresistible offer?

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How to price your product?

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How to do something that people want?

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The truth about starting a niche business

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How to find a GREAT business idea

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Your entire business relies on one thing - trust

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How to get closer to people you admire

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Why you should not sell your SaaS company

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The business model you didn't know about

SaaS turned thousands of people into millionaires. And I'll give you 4 reasons why the SaaS business model is the most valuable you could pick to build a successful business
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How to make $36 with only $1

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How to reduce churn in SaaS business

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How I became a multi-millionaire in my 20s

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This is killing your SaaS - how to reduce churn

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“F*** off french motherf*****”: the email that changed my life

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I built a $150M SaaS business - here are 4 things I’d do if I had to start with $0

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Business Growth

Win more customers - create high-converting comparison tables with ChatGPT

Discover how to generate comparison tables automatically with ChatGPT and leverage them for a more effective differentiation strategy so that you can get more customers.
August 6, 2023
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Why ChatGPT outperforms LinkedIn in lead qualification

In this article you will discover how with just one prompt you can figure out if a company fits your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) or not 🔥 Stop losing time and start winning leads!!
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Outsmart competitors with chatGPT and SWOT

Get the insights you need to stay ahead of your competition using SWOT analysis and this simple prompt!!
July 23, 2023
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Business Growth

Say hello to more leads with ChatGPT

We are always looking for ways to get more leads, and with AI the sky is the limit! With this specific prompt you turn your list of companies into a list of potential customers in record time.
July 16, 2023
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Business Growth

Unlock your growth: using ChatGPT to shape customer personas

You don’t really know who your customers are? You can change that right now with this chatGPT prompt! In seconds you will be able to convert your existing customer data into detailed personas so that chatGPT can turbocharge your growth.
July 7, 2023
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Business Growth

Can't hear the customer whispers? chatGPT can

Discover a way to find and leverage your customers feedback into your next goldmine with ChatGPT!
July 5, 2023
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Can review sites be your secret weapon against competitors?

Do you want to know your competition’s flaws? Discover how to turn them into your strength and supercharge your competitive strategy with chatGPT
July 10, 2023
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Score perfect hires with AI-generated business cases.

Struggling to find the perfect fit while hiring? Uncertainty is keeping you awake at night? Revolutionize your hiring process with this prompt and stop once and for all any miss-hires!
July 3, 2023
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Business Growth

No more missed mentions - How ChatGPT can revitalize your Twitter replies

Don’t ever miss a twitter mention again. Follow our step-by-step guide to automate the whole process with Zapier and OpenAI.
June 30, 2023
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Business Growth

Beat the competition - Use ChatGPT to discover their secrets

Tired of feeling left behind by your competitors? With this ChatGPT prompt you will have the power of knowledge, to outsmart your competitors.
June 28, 2023
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Business Growth

Top performers not applying? Here's how chatGPT can help

Stop looking for candidates the old way! Here’s how to leverage chatGPT to find your next superstar on LinkedIn!
June 26, 2023
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Business Growth

Generate 10X more traffic in your articles with ChatGPT

Don't be left behind the AI revolution! Use this prompt to generate 10X more quality content and boost your traffic!
June 23, 2023
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Say goodbye to bad hires with AI-powered questions

Avoid hiring the wrong person ever again! Get your interviews ready with this simple prompt! Generate the perfect questions based on your job description in a matter of seconds!
June 21, 2023
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Enrich company lists with OpenAI GPT

Free your sales team time with this templates so that they stop wasting countless hours sifting through websites, and instead spend their time closing deal after deal.
June 19, 2023
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Business Growth

Can this ONE prompt solve all your business problems?

Crafting prompts for every use case you may need it’s very time consuming, but not anymore! Use this prompt to generate the best prompts in seconds!
June 16, 2023
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3 steps to turn your LinkedIn profile into a lead magnet with AI

Discover how you can turn your Linkedin profile into a lead magnet by building a powerful personal brand with just 3 easy steps + AI.
June 14, 2023
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Business Growth

Peek Inside the Mind of a McKinsey Consultant for free - All Thanks to ChatGPT

Do you have thousands of ideas but don't have anyone to bounce them with? WIth this ChatGPT prompt you will be able to transform it into your own top tier consultant.
June 12, 2023
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Business Growth

Say goodbye to developers - create your Chrome extension with ChatGPT! (no coding experience needed)

Before chatGPT, creating a Chrome extension required great programming skills or at least a costly hire. But now you can code your Chrome Extension without coding experience, just using ChatGPT as your ally. I’ll tell you how!
June 5, 2023
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First impressions count - nail your article openers with ChatGPT.

You only have one chance to make a great first impression! Same happens in your articles. Create irresistible intros with ChatGPT.
June 2, 2023
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Business Growth

ChatGPT reveals - how to write headlines that beg to be clicked

Ever wondered why your articles aren't getting the attention they deserve? The key to understanding this issue lies in the headline - the very first impression of your article. In this article, we'll show you how to nail your headlines with ChatGPT.
May 31, 2023
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Business Growth

Turn your articles into viral LinkedIn posts in 5 min with ChatGPT

Get the traffic your blogs deserve by turning them into viral LinkedIn posts in less than 5 minutes.
June 9, 2023
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Business Growth

Why your job description sucks, and how to fix it with chatGPT?

A poorly written job description can be a roadblock in attracting top-tier talent. Use our ChatGPT prompt to transform your hiring process today.
May 26, 2023
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Business Growth

How to Write a LinkedIn Profile Headline (with ChatGPT) That Makes Prospects Chase You

Learn how to create compelling LinkedIn headlines using ChatGPT. Prompt included.
May 24, 2023
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Business Growth

Transform ChatGPT into your 24/7 data analyst in 5 minutes

Gone are the days when SQL was a tricky task. With ChatGPT, SQL becomes as easy as having a chat with a friend. Come along, and let's see how this dream turns into reality.
May 29, 2023
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Business Growth

Escape the trash folder - ChatGPT's guide to successful newsletters

Struggling to find a way to stand out among the sea of newsletters that are been sent daily? We have the solution, using this ChatGPT prompt will make your newsletter your readers’ favorite.
June 7, 2023
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