Say hello to more leads with ChatGPT

Do you find yourself staring at a list of companies, wondering how to get your foot in the door?

It's like being at a party, not knowing anyone, and having to strike up a conversation.

In this article, we’re gonna explore how you can turn your list of companies into a list of potential customers 🚀

But how exactly can you get accurate data from chatGPT, knowing that it’s been trained with data until 2021?

This is when plugins come in handy!

Even though chatGPT released a web browsing feature (both in-house and through Bing) - the results are often failing, and it can be frustrating…

That’s why in this article, we will use the new WebPilot plugin.

If you don’t have it already, just download it from the Plugin store on ChatGPT!

It will allow us to browse the web and get valuable information.

So how do you get insights on potential leads simply by knowing the name of companies?

First, make sure to activate the WebPilot plugin

Then simply copy and paste the list of companies you want to target with the position you’re looking for 👇


Let’s take a look at this example with real data:

And here’s the result:

As you can see, with this prompt, lead generation is a lot easier and smarter, and you have the power to keep up and stay ahead with tools like ChatGPT and the WebPilot plugin to turn unknown companies into potential customers, just like striking up a conversation at a party and making new friends.

Remember, you're not just part of the AI revolution, you're leading it.

Make these tools work for you, and watch as the leads roll in 🔥🔥

Key takeaways

Don't forget:

✅ Get more potential customers by using ChatGPT and the WebPilot plugin. They help you turn a list of companies into a list of leads.

✅ No more frustrations with failed search results. The WebPilot plugin makes browsing the web straightforward and fruitful.

✅ Remember to activate the WebPilot plugin. It's the magic wand that makes web browsing a breeze on ChatGPT.

✅ Your tool for the job is copy and paste. Add your list of target companies and desired roles into the prompt box.

✅ Real data gives real results. Test it out as we did in this article, and watch as your list of companies morphs into potential customers.

If you liked this article 👉 sharing is caring

If you want to give feedback or simply send a love message 👉 you can e-mail me at

Peace, Love & AI ✌️

job title = INSERT JOB TITLE

company name = ["COMPANY1", "COMPANY2", "ETC..."]

For each company:

1 - Go to Google.

2. Type " {job title} {companyname} " in the search bar.

3. Save the first result you get

In a table return:

- The URL

- The Name of the person (extracted from the title)

- The description of the person
