Generate 10X more traffic in your articles with ChatGPT

You've written an article. It's good. But is it great? Could it be better?

Sure, you can spend hours, days even, agonizing over every word, every sentence…

Or you could let ChatGPT take the wheel.

In this article, you’ll discover how to transform chatGPT into your very own writing assistant, who will analyze, refine and transform your articles into compelling narratives, ones that will attract 10X more traffic!

Step#1: Get ChatGPT ready

Make sure you're working with ChatGPT-4, the latest and most advanced version, to get the best responses.

When working with ChatGPT, it's vital to start with a clear and specific prompt to receive more tailored results.

Here's the formula to achieve the perfect prompt:

We understand that writing a solid prompt might feel like taking on an extra project. Almost as if you've added another item to your to-do list.

We know you'd rather not spend unnecessary time crafting prompts because you understand that your time equals your money.

No worries—we took care of the boring work for you. 😉

Here's a ready-to-use prompt. Just copy, paste, and watch your articles turn into top-notch pieces in no time:


To demonstrate the effectiveness of this strategy, let's test it in this very article:

The goal here isn't to reconstruct your entire article based on ChatGPT's suggestions. Rather, sift through the output to find those golden nuggets—sections, sentences, or phrases—that truly click with you and use them as your secret weapon to elevate your writing.

After refining the first part of your article, repeat this quick process for the second part, and so on, until you finish upgrading your entire article.

Step#2: Give your updated article a final look

Once you've polished your article section by section, the last step is to run the complete updated article through ChatGPT to ensure the narrative flows seamlessly from start to end. You can use the same prompt.

Using this prompt, you can create impressive, high-quality articles in less than half the time you previously spent, driving more traffic to your business with less effort.

Still skeptical about the power of this ChatGPT prompt? There's one more thing that might just convince you…

The very article you're reading right now is living proof of the results you can get using this prompt, and you're witnessing the results firsthand.

Key Takeaways

So, harness the power of AI to supercharge your articles and reach new heights in your content creation journey.

✅ Analyze and refine your articles with AI

✅ Pick golden nuggets from ChatGPT's output: Use these insights to lift your writing.

✅ Review after each update: Run your full article through ChatGPT for a final polish.

✅ Create better articles and boost your traffic with this prompt

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Peace, Love & AI ✌️

Hello! I need you to please act as:

1. Expert Writing Consultant 📝: Refining the content, structure, and overall flow of your article, ensuring it is well-organized and coherent.

2. Grammar Expert ✏️: Proofread your article to identify and correct any grammatical, punctuation, or spelling errors.

3. Style Expert 🎨: Enhancing the overall writing style, voice, and tone of your article, making it more engaging and enjoyable for readers.

4. Copywriting Psychology Expert 🧠: Applying psychological principles to improve your article's persuasiveness and impact, ensuring it resonates with the target audience.

I need you to please revise my article, give me feedback and help me make it sharper, by making it clearer and more specific. Avoiding any fluff words that don't add value.

The reader of my articles is someone who wants to be part of the top 1% of people who don't want to be left behind with the AI revolution.

The readers are founders, marketers, growth marketers, and salespeople who are really busy, so the article should reflect that.

I will share my article by parts to facilitate its revision, and once we finish revising part by part

I will share with you the complete result, with feedback applied for a final revision.

I need the tone of the article to be:

-actionable (like a cooking recipe)

-simple (a 10-year-old should understand the vocabulary used)

-no fluff

I need your improved version to respect this rule: simple vocabulary. A 10-year-old should be able to understand every word in this article.

Words like: enhance, dwindling, culminating, sidestep this pitfall, harness, and top-tier content.

Your improved version should also avoid fluff words:

1. top-tier content, instead describe what top-tier content is. what will they get from it?

2. every adjective that ends in "ly" is fluff. Like: intelligently.

3. every word needs to add value and make the reader want to continue reading

Please apply frameworks based on copywriting psychology to make it more attractive for the reader. Like AIDA.

Are you ready?

